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EUGENIDEO ODEIO | Teaching Musical Instruments - Teaching Advanced Theory and Composition - Teaching Monodrama - Teaching Byzantine and Contemporary Music Kallithea Athens

The Eugenideo Conservatory has been offering, for many years, a wide range of conservatory services for its students in small classes. In our conservatory we have sections for beginners, advanced, children, while private music lessons are also held.

The school's courses are conducted with modern teaching methods that, in combination with modern tools and the specialized teaching staff we have, we can offer our students comprehensive music education services.

The study program of our Conservatory is unique and could hardly be compared to other programs of various conservatories. We follow a comprehensive teaching approach that aims to educate the student in a wide range of musical knowledge that he must acquire, in order to be able to deal with music at an amateur or professional level. Our goal is to give our students all the resources to become real musicians, while at the same time strengthening their spiritual cultivation and their artistic nature.


A wide range of conservatory services which we provide to students of any age, beginners as well as advanced in small classes and flexibility in the programs: Our services in more detail:
  Teaching Musical Instruments
  Teaching Composition
  Teaching Higher Theories
  Teaching Solitude
  Preparatory Departments for Music Schools - Universities
  Teaching Byzantine Music
  Teaching Contemporary Music
  Music education
  Interdisciplinary Approach to Music
  Seminars, Concerts, Events
  EUGENIDEO ODEIO offers free trial lessons on various instruments so you can choose the one that suits you best.

At Eugenideo Conservatory, our philoshopy was and will always be the right musical education combined with the artistic, emotional and spiritual self-improvement of each of our students.


to make an appointment to get to know our conservatory or to ask us any question about the music departments and our educational program...